Make/Made in INdia” => “Buy/Sell in INdia”

2 min readMay 15, 2020


Hi Guys,
I’m just putting some words on “How to strengthen our Indian Economy”. I think “Make/Made in INdia” and “Buy only INdian products/Sell only in INdia” is the best and long-lasting solution for the INdian Economy.
There are approximately 40k to 50k+ IT companies are headquartered in INdia but we are not able to develop competent applications or software as compared to China or other low population countries. I don’t have an answer for “Why” but let’s think once, is this due to a lack of skills in students/software developers or organizations not able to groom their capability(underutilization) or they feel not secure ?.
According to my opinion both the scenarios exist.
Individuals must work on their self-improvement and self-evaluation.
also, companies need to implement a healthy productive strategy in utilizing their resources, which benefits both the company and individuals working for them.

Today the top trending Apps are TikTok, ZOOM, Face-book, Likee, Helo, UC Browser, Dubsmash, etc.. are not from our Country. Can’t we create Apps like others based on our public interest?
I think INdian Government should support companies that emphasizes innovation.

It’s quite difficult to depend only on INdian products only, right away, but if we are inclined to the idea of promoting our products and using them, we could see a future where make/made in INdia comes to life and our products are a standard.

Nowadays people’s thoughts are transitioning from an individual perspective to a collective dogmatic opinion. It’s every individual duty to reform their own and countries wealth with optimism and they need to stand on their opinions irrespective of others.

I’m not saying only this will strengthen INdian economy, every sector from manufacturing, education, transportation, tourism, healthcare also play a vital role.

मैं देश की जनता से भी अपील करता हूं कि आप देश में बने उत्पादों को अधिक से अधिक उपयोग में लायें व अन्य लोगों को भी इसके प्रति प्रोत्साहित करें। हर भारतीय अगर भारत में बने उत्पादों (स्वदेशी) का उपयोग करने का संकल्प ले तो पांच वर्षों में देश का लोकतंत्र आत्मनिर्भर बन सकता है। (I also appeal to the people of the country to make maximum use of the products made in the country and encourage others to do the same. If every Indian pledges to use products made in India (Swadeshi), the democracy of the country can become self-sufficient in five years) — Amit Shah

‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ (Self-reliant INdia):
“In times of crisis, this local has fulfilled our demand, this local has saved us. Local is not just the need, it is our responsibility also,” he said in his address to the nation. The Prime Minister said from Tuesday, every Indian has to become “vocal for their local”, not only to buy local products but also to promote them proudly. — PM Narendra Modi

As an INdian every individual needs to pro-actively participate in this movement.





SAS Programmer | Data Analytics | Clinical Trials | CDISC

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